Healthtech Days #1 2020

21 October – Day 1
EU market access strategy for health products and country particularities
13:45 – 14:00 Opening remarks
Pascal Neuville, CEO Domain Therapeutics, President SEMIA
Bodo Brückner, Coordinator Lifescience Accelerator Baden-Wuerttemberg
Thomas Scheuerle, Managing Director bei BadenCampus
Guillaume Vetter-Genoud, Head of deeptech/healthcare, SEMIA
Douglas Haggstrom, Manager DayOne Accelerator bei Basel Area Business & Innovation
14:00 – 14:30 Basics of EU Market access strategy for health products and main challenges
Eric Rambeaux, Founder & CEO, Corporate Development expert,
e4e6 Consulting
THEMATIC WORKSHOP SESSIONS (optional): 14:30 – 16:00
14:30 – 16:00 Market access specicities in France, Germany and Switzerland for medtech products (medtech session)
Moderator: Eric Rambeaux
Sylvia Germain, Founder & CEO, SGE-Consulting (France)
Isabelle FAU, Director of Economic Affairs and Market access, SGEConsulting
Alexis Hagenstein, Market Access Manager, Biomedical Engineer, SGE
Consulting (France)
Guillaume Gerard, Founder, SEA Pharmaceuticals Gmbh (Switzerland)
Tobias Gantner, MD, PhD, MBA, LLM, Founder & CEO, former Head
Market Access Bayer Germany, HealthCare Futurists GmbH, Cologne
/ PhilonMed GmbH, Heidelberg (Germany)
Dr.Jörg Hauffe, Project Manager, Senior Consultant Clinical &
Regulatory Affairs, Seleon GmbH (Germany)
14:30 – 15:30 Journey and challenges from science to choice of indication and target product profile (biotech session)
Moderator: Zaki Sellam
Shahin Gharakhanian
Marie Petit
Emmanuel Grillot
CEO TESTIMONIALS/STORIES (optional): 16:00 – 17:00
16:00 – 17:00 CEO Testimonials/Stories (medtech session)
Moderator: Eric Rambeaux
Malaika Lauk, CEO Lauk Ventures GmbH
Philippe Bastide, CEO Dianosic
Edouard Fonck, CEO VeoSource
22 October – Day 2
Startups & Investors/Corporates meetings & trinational networking
13:45 – 14:00 Opening remarks
14:00 – 17:00 Startups & Investors/Corporates One-on-One meetings
14:00 – 15:00 Business Angel Investing: why diversity of gender
& skills is key?
Why investors are changing the lens they use to view startups before making their investment decisions. How to increase the chances of success and long term sustainability of your startup.
Moderator: Maarten Van Winckel
Speaker: Trudi Haemmerli

Eric Rambeaux, Founder & CEO, Corporate Development expert,
e4e6 Consulting

Sylvia Germain
Founder & CEO, SGE-Consulting (France)

Isabelle FAU
Director of Economic Affairs and Market access, SGE-Consulting

Alexis Hagenstein
Market Access Manager, Biomedical Engineer, SGE Consulting

Guillaume Gerard
Founder, SEA Pharmaceuticals GmbH – expertise in
Pharma/Biotech and Medtech industry close to 20 years ago
experience from technical development to general management.

Tobias Gantner
MD, PhD, MBA, LLM, Founder & CEO, former Head Market Access
Bayer Germany, HealthCare Futurists GmbH, Cologne / PhilonMed
GmbH, Heidelberg (Germany)

Dr.Jörg Hauffe
Project Manager, Senior Consultant Clinical & Regulatory Affairs,
Seleon GmbH (Germany)

Zaki Sellam
C-Level Biotech Executive & Corporate Strategy Advisor.

Shahin Gharakhanian

Marie Petit

Emmanuel Grillot
Founder & Chief Executive, Baehl Innovation

Pascal Neuville
CEO Domain Therapeutics, President SEMIA

Stéphane Chauffriat CEO, SEMIA